Real seeds buying

Real Seeds – Here’s Where I Buy Mine

Why I Buy My Seeds from Real Seeds and Why You Should Too!

When it comes to growing your own vegetables, the seeds you choose make all the difference. After years of experimenting, I’ve found one supplier I always come back to: Real Seeds. Here’s why this small UK-based company has my loyalty—and why I think they’ll win you over too.

Save Money, Save Seeds

The standout feature of Real Seeds is that they only sell open-pollinated varieties. This means you can save seeds from your own harvest and grow them year after year—no need to keep buying packets. It’s a sustainable, cost-effective way to garden, and you’ll love seeing your plants adapt to your local soil and climate.

Unbeatable Flavour and Variety

Real Seeds offers a treasure trove of unique and heirloom vegetables that you won’t find in supermarkets—or even in most garden centres. From stripy tomatoes to rare peppers, their seeds are chosen for flavour, reliability, and character. Every year, I’m excited to try something new!

Real seeds packets

Ethical and Transparent

Unlike many seed suppliers, Real Seeds is completely transparent about where their seeds come from and how they’re grown. They’re not tied to big corporations, and their mission is to support home gardeners like you and me. Plus, they actively encourage seed saving by providing free guides on their website.

Why It Matters

Buying from Real Seeds isn’t just about better crops; it’s about supporting biodiversity and preserving rare varieties for future generations. By choosing their seeds, you’re making a small but meaningful difference to the environment—and your plate will thank you for it.

If you’re ready to grow better, tastier vegetables and save money in the long run, I can’t recommend Real Seeds enough. Check out their website and get inspired to try something new this season.

Heritage runner beans

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